After more than a year in development, MySafe:LA is pleased to introduce “The Los Angeles Wildfire Resilience Alliance.” This innovative and important initiative is a partnership between MySafe:LA and the Los Angeles City Fire Department. The objective is to create a more resilient Los Angeles region as it relates to wildfires. That means gaining a better understanding of wildfire and how it behaves, better home hardening techniques, better understanding of evacuation vs. sheltering in place, better clearances, and most of all, better networking between neighborhoods.
“When Chief Trevor Richmond approached us and shared the vision he and his resilience officer, Captain Justin Clayton had related to this opportunity, I immediately knew this was not only right in our wheelhouse, but it was something our organization would embrace, as would those in the community we engaged,” said David Barrett, Executive Director and Commander for MySafe:LA.

“While people know that wildfires pose a year round threat, they don’t necessarily know what to do to reduce that risk,” said LAFD Deputy Chief Trevor Richmond. “Working with partners such as MySafe:LA, we are determined to bring a series of neighborhoods together to be better prepared when the next wildfire occurs in Los Angeles. By customizing our approach to community resiliency, we can address specific challenges that are unique to a given area.”
There are a number of components within the L.A. Wildfire Resilience Alliance, including MySafe:LA taking on the role of wildfire County Coordinator for L.A. County – working with the California Fire Safe Council. Separately, MySafe:LA is the new Los Angeles Fire Safe Council education and awareness provider. We’ll be delivering monthly educational content, webinars, and Homeowner education. HOAs can work with MySafe:LA and the LAFD to meet new California requirements that may reduce the cost of wildfire related insurance, to become an NFPA Firewise USA community, and if desired, to become an authorized California Fire Safe Council. There are grant, recognition, and other opportunities related to completion of these steps.