Wildfire Los Angeles

Take the 2024 Wildfire Survey

Notice of Public Meeting for April 20, 2023

The “MySafe:LA Los Angeles County Fire Safe Council” will conduct a virtual meeting on wildfire preparedness on April 20, 2023, commencing at 7:00 PM (Pacific) and concluding (estimate) at 8:30PM (Pacific).

MySafe:LA will share tips on taking easy steps that will help protect your home from ember cast dangers in a wildfire. We’ll also discuss inexpensive ways to create better defensible space.

Our monthly history presentation will be about the infamous Tubbs Fire ( 2017) – At the time, the Tubbs Fire was the most destructive fire in California history. 22 people died. 5,643 structures were destroyed. We’ll share important lessons from the Tubbs Fire, and be joined by James Wallis, who survived the fire, but lost everything in the process. Don’t miss this important wildfire history experience.

MySafe:LA hosts a virtual town hall on wildfire every third Thursday of the month, beginning at 7:00PM. You can also listen to previous presentations by visiting our wildfire page and subscribing to our wildfire podcast. 

Please see the attached Agenda for additional information. 

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